City of Calexico
About The Project
City of Calexico
Storm Drain Design for 2nd Street Realignment and Onsite Land Development Projects
Infrastructure Engineers conducted the hydrology and hydraulic studies and storm drain design for improvements within 2nd Street, and approximately 120 acres of land development projects located on the south side of 2nd Street. The project has been designed and constructed in phases. Phase 1 of public storm drain included approximately 2,000 linear feet of proposed storm drain system fronting the Gran Plaza Outlet Mall (Phase 1 of the land development project) between the All American Canal and west of the New River. Phase 2 included approximately 4,000 linear feet of proposed storm drain main fronting the Power Center development (Phase 2 of the land development project). The storm drain system consists of 18-inch through 36-inch diameter reinforced concrete pipelines, catch basins, manholes, and junction structures accepting the flows from the Gran Plaza and Power Center developments.
Infrastructure Engineers provided all design and construction management for the project.
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